What is Turkish coffee?

Make Turkish Coffee: Turkish Coffee Culture

Turkish coffee is a traditional method of preparing and serving coffee that has its roots in the Middle East, including countries like Turkey, Greece, and the Levant. It is distinct from other coffee brewing methods due to its finely ground coffee beans, specific preparation technique, and unique serving style.

Here's how Turkish coffee is typically made:


  • Finely ground coffee beans (ideally, specifically ground for Turkish coffee)
  • Cold water
  • Sugar (optional)
  • Cardamom (optional, for flavoring)


  • A special small pot called a "cezve" or "ibrik"
  • A small spoon
  • A heat source (stove)


  1. Measurements: For each cup of coffee, you'll typically use one heaping teaspoon of finely ground coffee, one teaspoon of sugar (if desired), and a demitasse cup of water.
  2. Mixing: Place the coffee, sugar (if using), and cold water in the cezve. You can also add a pinch of ground cardamom for flavor if you like.
  3. Stirring: Gently stir the mixture until the coffee and sugar (if using) are fully dissolved in the water.
  4. Heating: Place the cezve on the heat source (traditionally a small flame) and begin heating it. It's important to heat it slowly to allow the coffee to dissolve without boiling.
  5. Foaming: As the mixture warms, it will start to form a frothy layer on top. This is called the "kaimaki" or "crema," and it's a prized characteristic of Turkish coffee.
  6. Adjusting Sweetness: If you want to adjust the sweetness, you can add more sugar at this stage, but do not stir.
  7. Boiling: Once the coffee starts to heat and rise, but before it reaches a full boil, remove it from the heat to prevent it from boiling over.
  8. Pouring: Pour the coffee slowly and evenly into a small cup. The grounds will settle at the bottom.

Turkish coffee is traditionally served without milk or cream. It's often accompanied by a glass of water to cleanse the palate. The coffee grounds that settle at the bottom of the cup are typically not consumed.

The preparation and serving of Turkish coffee are considered an art form, and it's an important part of cultural hospitality in the regions where it's popular. It's a rich, strong coffee with a unique flavor profile, and it's enjoyed for its bold taste and ritualistic preparation.

Traditional Turkish coffee is an iconic beverage that holds a special place in Turkish culture. Unlike the filtered or espresso style coffees common in many parts of the world, Turkish coffee is prepared using a unique method that results in a rich, strong brew with a distinctive flavor profile. To make Turkish coffee, finely ground coffee beans are combined with water and sugar (if desired) in a special coffee pot called a cezve. The mixture is then slowly heated over low heat, allowing the coffee grounds to settle to the bottom of the pot, resulting in a thick and frothy brew.

One of the defining characteristics of Turkish coffee is its finely ground coffee beans, which are typically ground to a powder-like consistency using a traditional grinder called a hand mill. This fine grind allows for maximum extraction of flavor and aroma, resulting in a robust and intense cup of coffee. Additionally, Turkish coffee is traditionally served in small coffee cups, often accompanied by a small glass of water and a piece of traditional Turkish delight to balance the strong flavors of the coffee.

Enjoying a cup of Turkish coffee is not just about the beverage itself, but also about the ritual and tradition that surrounds it. In Turkish culture, the process of making and drinking Turkish coffee is a social activity that brings people together. Whether enjoyed in the comfort of one's home or at a bustling coffee house, the act of brewing and savoring Turkish coffee is a cherished tradition that has been passed down through generations. With its rich history and unique preparation method, Turkish coffee offers a sensory experience unlike any other type of coffee, making it a beloved beverage enjoyed by coffee enthusiasts around the world.

The history of Turkish coffee traces back centuries, with its origins deeply rooted in Turkish culture. This traditional style of coffee is made using a special brewing method that differs from other types of coffee preparation. To make Turkish coffee, finely ground coffee and water are combined in a copper Turkish coffee pot called a cezve. The mixture is then slowly heated over low heat, allowing the coffee to brew and the grounds to settle at the bottom of the pot. This method results in a rich and flavorful cup of coffee that is known for its strong aroma and bold taste.

Turkish coffee is unique in its preparation and presentation. Unlike filtered or drip coffee, Turkish coffee is not strained or filtered, resulting in a thicker and more concentrated brew. Additionally, Turkish coffee is often served in small, decorative cups known as Turkish coffee cups. These cups are smaller in size compared to traditional coffee mugs, reflecting the strong and intense flavor of the coffee. Serving Turkish coffee in these small cups is a cultural tradition that encourages savoring and enjoying the beverage slowly, allowing drinkers to fully appreciate its complex flavors and aromas.

The Turkish coffee recipe is simple yet precise, with specific measurements and techniques required to achieve the perfect cup. The ratio of coffee to water is crucial in Turkish coffee preparation, with typically one teaspoon of finely ground coffee used per cup of water. The coffee is ground to a fine powder-like consistency using a coffee grinder, ensuring maximum flavor extraction during the brewing process. Once brewed, Turkish coffee is often served with a small glass of water and a piece of Turkish delight, enhancing the overall experience and providing a delightful contrast to the strong flavors of the coffee.

Turkish coffee culture is deeply ingrained in Turkish society, with coffee playing a central role in social gatherings and ceremonies. In Turkish households, preparing and serving Turkish coffee is a cherished tradition passed down through generations. Turkish coffee is often enjoyed after meals or during leisurely conversations, providing an opportunity for friends and family to come together and bond over a delicious cup of coffee. Additionally, Turkish coffee is a staple in Turkish coffee shops and cafes, where it is served in a variety of styles to suit different preferences.

Despite its rich history and cultural significance, Turkish coffee remains a relatively undiscovered gem in the coffee world. With its unique brewing method, bold flavor, and rich aroma, Turkish coffee offers a one-of-a-kind coffee experience that is sure to delight coffee enthusiasts and novices alike. Whether enjoyed in the comfort of one's home or at a traditional Turkish coffee shop, Turkish coffee provides a taste of Turkish culture and hospitality in every sip.
