This is usually the section where all the other guys list the usual suggestions about how many socks to pack, the wonders of wearing Smartwool, and the latest in money belt fashions. Regardless of your destination, always research local customs and cultural norms as a team to ensure a respectful and enriching travel experience. Obviously, when you plan your trip you'll have to deal with plane tickets and airport managers and employees. You'll have to watch out for the pandemic, so all these tips will provide assistance in your travels. Those are all helpful, but here’s a few unconventional ones you may not see in other books:
- Drink the tap water whenever possible! Remember you’re in Europe not Calcutta (no offense Calcutta). You will save a fortune and avoid paying up to 2 or 3 Euros per bottle. In fact, many places such as Switzerland would arguably have the best drinkable tap water on Earth. Also some actually believe drinking tap water marginally boosts your body’s natural ability to fight off some illnesses by exposing it to the bacteria and organisms of that region. Decide for yourself. One of the simplest ways to save money while traveling is to drink tap water whenever it's safe to do so. Contrary to common misconceptions, many European countries boast high-quality tap water that's not only safe to drink but often delicious. By opting for tap water over bottled beverages, you'll not only cut down on expenses but also reduce plastic waste, contributing to a more sustainable travel experience.
- If you want your picture taken, only give your camera to obese, elderly ladies! If in a public place you want someone to take your picture, never give your camera to anyone who could possibly outrun you. When you're exploring iconic landmarks or scenic vistas, you'll likely want to capture the moment with a photograph. Instead of handing your camera to just anyone, consider seeking out elderly individuals to take your picture. Not only are they less likely to run off with your device, but they often have a steadier hand and a more patient approach to framing the perfect shot. Now you can get a picture for social media in a relatively safe manner. Elderly ladies are amazing photographers for apps like Instagram.
- Pee for free whenever possible! Using the toilet can become an expensive necessity. Avoid paying for the toilets in costly train and bus stations and search out free alternatives like the ‘Golden Arches’. There will be times where you wished you were wearing undergarments or had a colostomy bag, but when nature calls, look no further than those western franchises that make so many Europeans cringe. Many fast food franchises such as McDonald’s or Burger King offer free use of the restrooms without requiring purchase. Free will soon be one of your favorite words in Europe. Paying for restroom use can quickly add up, especially in tourist-heavy areas or transportation hubs. Instead of shelling out money for every bathroom break, look for alternative options such as fast-food restaurants or public parks that offer free restroom facilities. While it may not always be the most glamorous solution, it can save you a significant amount of money over the course of your trip. This will allow travel to be far more affordable.
- Try not to look (and sound) like a stupid tourist! It’s often far too easy to spot the dumb tourist wearing lots of khaki and polarfleece burdened by his videocamera round the neck. Make an effort to blend in a little bit. Leave the safari hat behind. Also don’t forget most Europeans speak some English, so be careful of what you say and more importantly how loud you say it because they probably understand everything you're saying. Standing out as a tourist can make you a target for scams or unwanted attention. To avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself, try to blend in with the local culture and dress. Leave behind obvious tourist attire like safari hats or oversized cameras, and make an effort to observe and emulate the customs and mannerisms of the locals. Not only will this help you avoid standing out, but it can also lead to more authentic cultural experiences.
- Always be a positive ambassador for your country! Whether you like it or not, people will make judgements about you and your country based on your nationality. Represent your nation favorably. As an international traveler, you're not just representing yourself—you're also an ambassador for your home country. Be mindful of your behavior and interactions with locals, and strive to leave a positive impression wherever you go. By approaching each encounter with kindness, respect, and curiosity, you can foster goodwill and positive cultural exchange between yourself and the communities you visit.
- Quit your whining already! Nobody likes a person who is constantly whining. Accept that things can and will go wrong during your trip. Let’s face it, it’s almost a certainty. The sooner you learn to relax and enjoy those less than perfect moments the better off you’ll be. It’s just a fact of life that things don’t always work out as planned and expectations will not always be met. Don’t forget that most of your friends are back home working some crappy, lifeless job while your out living an exciting adventure in a far away land. It’s also important to remember that calamity and misfortune can often make for the most spellbinding and interesting of tales later. Few people ever tell the stories about what went right on their trip. Above all, you create your own weather so have a positive attitude and “when you travel, rembember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” –Clifton Fadiman
- Carry back-ups! It’s important to be prepared if and when things should go wrong. Hopefully they won’t, but just in case you’ll find that a photocopy of your passport’s details, driver’s licence or main ID, bank or credit card details, most important phone numbers, and a few extra euros stashed away will prove invaluable if an emergency should arise. One street-smart trick I’ve seen is to use a safety pin to secure your passport photocopy or cash to selected undergarments in your bag. Once a passenger from New Zealand used this trick when he pinned a diamond engagement ring to the inside of his jeans for over 6 weeks before finally striking up the nerve to propose to his fiancé while in Venice. Of course her answer was yes!
- Make TIC’s (Tourist Info Centers) your new best friend! They will normally be able to answer just about any questions you might have regarding transport, sightseeing, concerts and upcoming festivals, accommodation, and anything else you can dream of. Normally maps of the city are free, but some charge a small fee. And don’t be afraid to ask them “off the wall” questions either. Normally they are quite happy to answer obscure, esoteric, or just plain out of the ordinary questions.
- This might be controversial (especially if you hate smoking), but consider carrying a lighter! Don’t forget they smoke a lot in Europe and you never know when a hot chick or studly guy might ask you for a light. Even if you don’t smoke, it’s a great way to make new friends on the spot so be prepared.
- Most importantly, know before you go! It’s important to do your homework. All kidding aside, here’s the top five FREE websites that offer up to date travel advisories on more than 180 countries and regions. They are primarily designed for finding out more about a place’s current political climate and list any concerns related to its most recent activities while abroad:
- UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office
- U.S. Bureau of Consular Affairs
- Canadian Consular Affairs Bureau
- Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- New Zealand Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
In conclusion, international travel offers a wealth of opportunities for discovery, adventure, and personal growth. By incorporating these unofficial travel tips into your planning and mindset, you can enhance your experience and make the most out of every moment abroad. From embracing spontaneity to staying informed and prepared, these tips will help you navigate the intricacies of global exploration with confidence and ease. So pack your bags, set out on your adventure, and prepare to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Bon voyage! As the internet becomes more and more ubiquitous and commonplace, the landscape of travel has changed dramatically. For example, many travel agencies have either had to adjust their style or face closing their doors as cheaper, more streamlined internet companies began to stifle their competition. However, sifting through the enormous array of websites can seem at times very overwhelming. Getting info is easy, but getting the correct information is much more difficult. Not only that, these days mountains of misinformation manage to distract or confuse most search engine queries. I’ve distilled a basic breakdown of the more helpful ones in the online directory below:
Euro-wide Sites | Website |
The Official Travel Portal of Europe | EuropeRevealed.com |
General European Info | EuropeRevealed.com |
Visa & Embassy Locations | Project Visa |
Rail Info/Trains | Eurail |
Eurolines Buses | Eurolines |
Museums of Europe | The Joy of Museums |
Weather Updates | Weather.com |
Maps | Google Maps |
Languages (Translated) | Google Translate |
Current Exchange Rates | Oanda |
Gay & Lesbian Travel International | International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association |