Kilometers (km) are used for measuring distance. For shorter distances, meters (m) and centimeters (cm) are also frequently used.
Degrees Celsius (°C) is the standard unit for temperature in Europe. It's used for measuring both everyday weather and scientific purposes.
Europe generally uses the 24-hour clock system, also known as military time, for expressing time. For example, 2:00 PM is expressed as 14:00.
Kilograms (kg) are the primary unit for measuring weight in Europe. For smaller items or precision, grams (g) are commonly used.
Square meters (m²) are the standard unit for measuring land area. Larger areas, like land or agricultural fields, might be expressed in hectares (ha), where 1 hectare equals 10,000 square meters.
Kilometers per hour (km/h) is used to measure speed, whether it's for vehicles on the road or wind speed in weather reports.
These metric units are widely adopted across Europe and are used consistently for various purposes, providing a standardized and straightforward system of measurement.